HELP Need to burn ISO to USB from Ubuntu 14.04!

So this is my problem. I Need to use Steam on Windows and bought from an Win 8.1 key and the dude did send me a link to this ISO. I used this guide
I am having trouble with this and think I don't even understand it cause I am noob and have been using ubuntu for many years as a browser for my internet. here it is >>> 2. Copy Windows files

Quit GParted and use the file manager to copy all files from Windows ISO to USB stick. Mount the ISO using Open with - Disk Image Mounter (if you use Nautilus as a file manager). Then select all files Ctrl+A and Copy to USB drive which will be automatically mounted when you click on it at /media//. After the copy process is finished, look in the USB root folder for the efi/boot directory. If there's a bootx64.efi file there skip to step 3 <>>

All I need and want is to put Windows on my machine and dual boot or if I lose Ubuntu 14.04 from this install does not matter to me. So I have one hard drive and a 8 GB usb2 stick to do this which should be enough

You did not really say what was your problem though. In which part of the guide did you get stuck?

GPT for UEFI is the one and I am stuck on = copy all files from Windows ISO to USB stick. Mount the ISO using Open with - Disk Image Mounter (if you use Nautilus as a file manager). Then select all files Ctrl+A and Copy to USB drive which will be automatically mounted when you click on it at /media//. After the copy process is finished, look in the USB root folder for the efi/boot directory. If there's a bootx64.efi file there skip to step 3 <>>

How to make a bootable ISO from my usb stick in my ubuntu is my problem in general

Still not enough information.

What is your issue?
You cannot copy the files from the ISO to the usb?
The ISO will not mount?
The usb will not mount?
You cannot find the bootx64.efi file?

EDIT: Maybe more fundamental? You do not understand a single word in the above sentences?

Right click the .ISO in Ubuntu and click 'write disk image'.

I did that but click my thumb drive and then what ?

it says restore disk image ? say yes to that ?


alrigt. How can I know if the bootx64.efi file is there or not ?
What next ?
Thank you by the way

Let it run and once it's completed boot from the USB and follow the normal Windows install steps.

Dont know how to explain this but I did click "Restore images" Button but nothing has Run yet. I can see the window open says Disks. Under that Devices and I have my 1Tb drive, below my CD/DVD , and my 8gb stick. Then comes line and below the line there is other devices . 5 things.

how to Run ?

I mean just let it finish writing the disk image, it should be done by now so don't worry.

What I mean is can I restart my PC and go to UEFI and let the computer boot from the usb ? Or are there some steps to take before

Yeah you should be able to let the computer boot from USB now.

Well I hope that's it.
Thanks alot. Love this community :)

Don't I have to go in the UEFI on my Gigabyte mobo and choose the boot order you think ?

Press F12 for boot list. Pick your USB.