I have been dual booting Linux Mint 17.02 and Windows for quiet a bit now. I want to use Linux as my primary OS, but still dual boot with Windows.
My main concern about this is support on Linux, I have heard of WIne but I have also heard that it does not work with all Programs on Linux.
I do lots of programming in C# with Visual Studio and I know that .exe files can't run on Linux. Is there a way around this for Linux? Because if there is then I would try running Linux for a bit then eventually use it as my Primary OS.
You might want to give Wine a shot. Wine allows you to run .exe files. For .net-development under Linux, you might want to start reading on Mono, a free .Net implementation. I don't know how well Visual Studio is supported under Wine, bit at least you can get Vksual Studio Code(Basicly the editor part + some essentials) nativly for Windows. (Yeah, that's right: M$ not only ports Office to OS X but now also their IDE to Linux!).
But the good thing with doal-booting is that you don't need to decide for one side. You can do what ever is most convenient for you ATM. You want to play Games? Boot Windows. Want to code?/1min & your under Linux typing in your favorite editor!
Wow. I did not know that you could do any sort of .net dev on Linux, that sounds awesome! Thanks
I have one question though, I have a set of commands which I have to execute automatically every time I boot into Linux. Is there a way to automate this? I am a bit of a noob at this kind of stuff.
I use Linux Mint as my main OS, but also have a responsibility for maintaining a number of Visual Studio .Net applications and one very old VB6/SQL Server 2000 app running on Windows Server 2000. Virtualbox works very well to solve this problem, for me. Hint try seamless mode.
max1220 allready covered most of what I was going too write before I posted but here it is:
It is possible to use the .NET framework on linux using the Mono Framework which is a open source cross platform implementation the framework. It supports booth C#.NET VB.NET and ASP.NET. You create and run C# applications using the Mono Develop IDE, it as a drag and drop GUI builder like Visual Studio that let's you create GTK# GUIs. Mono will create .exe files which you will have to run using mono.
I assume you don't use C# for any work, do you just use it for hobby projects or do you take any classes? If you only use it for hobby projects it's likely that Mono will work fine. I would recommend that you use it for a while and see how it works out before you get rid of Windows.
The other options I can think of is to use a VM (certainly possible) or possibly (probably not very possible) get the Microsoft .NET framework with the C# compiler too work in wine (Visual Studio does not).
Microsoft have open sourced the .NET framework so chances are it will be more cross platform in the future.
By the way, there is a project named Omni Sharp that that is supposed too ease cross platform C# development. It has plugins for Brackets, Atom, Vim, Emacs, and Sublime Text. I tried it with Atom and it was very buggy and unstable. Visual Studio Code is based on Atom and uses Omni Sharp for auto completion etc. and is probably more stable (I have not tried it).