Help me transition from Windows to Linux

I gave OpenSUSE a try, it seems very similar to Fedora. Is there any advantage to using it over Fedora?

Linux does get some stuff right, better than Windows. I have a Japanese keyboard but use an English locale, and Windows need a registry hack just to key the keyboard layout right. With iBus and Google's mozc everything is perfect.

OpenSUSE has handy 1-click install options from their repo website. They seem to have people actively making the newest releases available or cross porting from deb releases. To be honest I only moved to it from Manjaro/Antergos because it had kernel4.11 and mesa17.1 in their MAIN depo whereas the others barely had those in testing.

I need bleeding edge kernel and mesa for my amdgpu which are receiving huge amounts of changes each release. Running older versions means potentially up to %20-50 perf loss! I run 4k so I need all the fps I can get.

I was pretty impressed how opensuse used BTRFS and snapper to snapshot your system before and after updates and be able to roll back. I have only used it in a VM so far.

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Yeah that is handy, however I found the rollback process too slow for any major rollback. I tried to roll back my entire system once and it was going to take 3x as long as reinstalling from start!

Good for minor rollbacks however.