Help me I'm stupid. Canadian first time builder problems

Hello Gentle(wo)man,

I am trying to assemble myself a computer, For Pc gaming, I have a budget of roughly 1000$, for the desktop and the monitor, I live in canada, and pay by canadian currency.

The games I would be playing, are games such as the upcoming watchdogs, bioshock infinite, skyrim(with graphic mods), Metro last light, titanfall, and multiple multiplayer games, so I would need higher framerate, but do not want to give up any graphical quality. I will not be overclocking currently, but if possible I would like to have the capability to in the future. 

The questions I have and the parts I would like to include, are listed below

~parts I would like to include (unless you can find better/more capable ones for the price range)

-Gtx 760

-amd 8590, or intel i5 7250k(i believe it is)

-windows 8.1 (64-bit)


-what size monitor would you recommend?

-what brand for the parts would you recommend?

-How many years should a rig in this range last me?

-Should I just go with linux instead?

~~side note, I literally have no idea what I am doing, so visuals or charts would be helpful (I'm serious sadly) or a good explanation of how the parts work, etc... 

Other than the parts above I have not plotted in anything, please help me put together a Gaming rig, for the best dollar for the range performance, thank you! and please save me from my stupidity.

amd 8590, or intel i5 7250k(i believe it is)

None of those exist xD.  There's the AMD FX-8350, or the FX9590.  Those are the closest that I can get from your AMD number.

For Intel, the most recent unlocked(hence the K) i5 is the i5-4670k.

Most brands will be just fine.  Asus, MSI, EVGA, etc.

Depends on the games you play, the resolution you play at, and if you're willing to reduce quality settings. (Just read your post again, derp)

Linux isn't the best for gaming.  YET.

I'll put together a pc using pcpartpicker and will be back soon.

FX-8320 is similar to an FX-8350, but is slightly slower.  It's a lot cheaper, though.

IPS 1920x1080 display.  Inexpensive, but should have very nice color and a decent response time @ 5ms.

I couldn't fit the GTX 760 in there.  The R9 270 is slower, but is a good bang-for-the-buck card.

This build might last you 2-3 years.  The GPU might be lacking a little bit by then, though.

aright thanks for the help! I will make a post when its all built, best of luck to you!

one final question though, if i went with an fx-6300 would I be losing any speed? or is the 8 core that much more functional?


You lose a little but not much with the money you save get a better graphics card if you can though and if you can get a cpu cooler and overclock a little that will help too.

You would be losing a decent amount of processing power.  AMD's CPU cores, when compared to Intel's, are a lot weaker.  AMD is much better for this budget though, as it's great value for the money.  Going with AMD allows you to get a GPU that is more suitable for gaming.