Help me fix my Interwebs for My Face Twitter

Hey there everybody, been a long time actually but I have returned with a problem. I'm having trouble connecting to my WiFi from my PC. I thought it was an ISP/modem issue (it still may be) but I found I can connect to the same network fine on my phone, and my sister can on her laptop too. The thing that really puzzles me, however, is that I can still connect to my phone's wireless hotspot from my PC. Whenever I boot up chrome, it tells me it's a DNS issue.

I did a bit of googling, tried turning of my power from the wall for a while, resetting my computer (dur), changing the DNS server to some specific one like I found as a suggestion, but still not luck. I'd appreciate any help, and if it counts for anything, I've got a ASUS PCE-N53 Dual Band Wireless N600 PCI-E Adapter Installed.



There might be something that is blocking the signal to wherever your computer is, but I doubt that.

What OS are you using? That card might have problems with win 8. Reviewers on Newegg say that the card also loses its signal quality over time. Have you tried using a different WiFi card?

I'm using windows 7. I can't imagine anything blocking the signal, because I can sit my phone on top of my pc and it will still connect fine. I don't have another WiFi card to try unfortunately, but in the next couple of days I will take my computer apart for a clean.

Alright. The only thing I can think of for you to do is to try another card and see if the problem persists. Good luck!