Help me find good Bluetooth speakers

bluetooth non optional, yes i know security sucks. for music and movies. dont need great base and it’s not for a audiophile. i dont know enough about speakers. small would be nice but sound quality and volume matters the most. dont want to spend more then 50$ and less for something just as good or close to the best 50$ speakers would work just fine.

Why not go nice speakers and a Bluetooth dongle thing.

For $50 you won't get stand alone speakers that "sound nice", let alone bluetooth speakers.

A pair of speakers that are reasonable would start at about $150. Bluetooth would be more.

Getting a good bluetooth implementation is another story. A product may cheap out and use older bluetooth implementations and you end up loosing audio quality, and the music just doesn't sound right. I have heard it sound tinny on a decent home theatre where the music was streamed over bluetooth. Not to mention range being an issue with a cheap implementation. last thing you need to do is keep your phone resting on the speakers.

Finally, a set of wireless speakers have a built in amplifier and this cost money, let alone to do well.

Here is a recommendation for a pair of bluetooth speakers, but they are $500 They hint at how bad blutooth speakers have been in the past by the way they talk about it in passing, so that should give you an idea on the disappointment bluetooth speakers can be.

Anyway I give that recommendation because it should be a product you would be happy with for a lifetime, even though $500 is so far beyond your price you probably won't get it. Either way, listen to the video and what they talk about, so you get a bit of an idea on what to look for. Especially 4:30 where the talk about the bluetooth protocol it uses for good sound.

the cromecast audio is only 35 USD, it and my stereo work well for me. downside would be its only youtube / castable things.

This seems to be the go-to portable option for around $50.

This speaker seems to get good reviews everywhere.

There are some plugins to allow you yo browse the file system for files to cast. Lots of ways round it, just that little extra work.

cromecast wont work and 500$ is more then the laptop itself. just need something to play music and movies without cables. i'll probably get the dk2

I have a Creative D100 from a techie friend who upgraded his audio system.
Depending on the country/area you live in you should find it at 55-70$.
As for the quality of the sound, it has a sweet spot. If you go above it, the music seems ... flat.
Within the sweet spot, the sound quality is awesome and it's loud enough to enjoy music in a big room. If you plan on playing music loud this may not be the soundbar for you :)
Also it doesn't have an internal battery.

I have been Looking into this same thing myself. I have Used JBL’s Personally ( the flip3 ) and am looking to upgrade my setup. They have options in your range. check them out


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it’s been 7 months i got the dk2 and it’s fabulous. mod close this pls?


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