Help me find a wireless AC card for my mac

The above card is what I tried. According to many sites it should work in my mac. It doesn’t. It doesn’t even work in other laptops. So well fine, I’ll find something else! And for note, I am using ubuntu. I don’t need OSX help, just hardware help.

Its a bit dounting to me now that I have my desktop full of PCIe slots only, so obviously I think thats where I should put a card now. I want to use the internal slot, but if theres a whitelist I’m not going to fuck around reprogramming it. I already did that on my 1,1 to get my GPU to work correctly in it, I don’t want to do it in my 3,1 for wifi cards. Sounds like a massive pain in the ass.

So. Budget is probably like 35, including shipping. I like atheros cards, but not opposed to suggestions.

Looking at this one.

If you guys have suggestions for me please let me know.

Bump. IDC what card it is, or if its “mac compatible”. I don’t need OSX help, I need hardware help.

If you’re unable to find a wireless card that’s compatible with CrApple… Logic would dictate, were it me at least, the next step in the “chain” which would be purchasing a USB WiFi Dongle. A logical work around in the meantime at least until you find the WiFi Card you are seeking.

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Yeah I thought about that actually. Its not a horrible idea, but they’re 45 bucks. Ech.

Yet the cost of hardware you remain unable to locate obfuscates that very notion based upon the immediacy of your situation.

P.s.-Do not mistake this as me being rude.
I am in a very direct mood tonight for the sake of simplicity.

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I’d suggest a Broadcom one for AirDrop support, but I don’t think that’s to your liking.

Well I’m not running OSX. I’m running ubuntu, but theres a small chance I will run OSX. I have my other mac pro for that though.


I do believe I said this in my OP? Apparently not. Mended that.