Help me find a new keyboard

I have this crummy bluetooth keyboard, and it needs to be replaced badly.

Here's the requirements:
backlighting is a must, and more importantly if it can't do RGB, it needs to be white LEDs - no solid reds, no solid blues.

mechanical keyboard with actuation point. I would much prefer an audible switch like blue or green, but I understand those seem to have a limited selection.

Media keys. I need dedicated media keys.

Size. I don't have a lot of room, not to mention it just feels uncomfortable to me to have my mouse on the opposite end of my desk because my keyboard takes up the rest of the space.

I would love to own a Model M when it comes to switches and feel, but they lack pretty much everything I am looking for, so unless someone is open to doing a modding job (cause I'm not skilled enough to do so) I think the Model M is out of the question.
The other option that is almost perfect is the Corsair K65 RGB, but it ONLY comes in reds and I CANNOT have linear switches of any time.

(also I have a strong dislike towards Razor products, so if you are recommending a Razor product, you better have a sales-pitch of a life time to convince me why, hahahaha)

corsair k70 RGB? i think you can get those with ms browns

I'm not sure how familiar you are with mechanical keyboards, but with all these features you want (mechanical keyswitch, media keys) this keyboard is probably NOT going to be small (except you're ditching away the number pad).

helpful response is helpful.

I'm quite aware that what I am looking for seems to be rare, thus, the reason I asked here because I have been doing a little looking and haven't had much luck.

Azeral pointed out one that I did consider, but it's a little large plus the browns. I would be OKAY with browns, but would much prefer blue's or browns. And at least it just has the numpad and not a gazzillion macrokeys. So if I'm shit out of luck in the keyboard department, I suppose I will be going with the k70 since it's the closest suggestion thus far.

I'd suggest looking into coolermaster or ducky keyboards.

Coolermaster novatouch TKL has topre switches, media keys with FN-button and a white backlight. And the tek has made a video about it.

Coolermaster quickfire rapid-i has cherry mx-switches (blue, brown, red), media keys with FN-button and a white backlight.

Then there is ducky with ducky mini and ducky year of the horse edition (YOTH).

All of the keyboards listed are tenkeyless.

Here is a link to coolermasters keyboards:

And here is a link to duckys keyboards:

I personally have corsair K70 with brown switches and I like it very much. That is an option too if you can handle the numpad. I personally use it so it doesn't bother me.

Exits stage left.


much jealous. Where do get?
I'll throw my money at your face if I get it from you.

I'd recommend a Corsair K65, it has RGB and has media controls. The only downside is that you'd have to deal with MX Red switches, I think. I use the older non-backlit version and it's a really great keyboard.

Edit: You could probably mod it with the switches you want, but that'd probably be more work than you want.

Thanks for the recommendations :D I do appreciate your contribution to the topic!

The cooler master keyboards look fantastic! Look like pretty much what I am looking for - maybe a leeeeettle pricey, but probably couldn't do much better for that price, hahaha.

Ducky's I remember looking at in the past, and they look pretty good too. Tough comparison between the two...

I got a razer blackwidow chroma a while a go and I love it. The switches takes a little time to get used to as they have a higher activation point than most MX's, but are otherwise comparable to them. It is a lot heavier and sturdier than I imagined. The brightness of the backlight goes from visible to intolerable.