Help me decrease power usage of my NAS/Buying newer hw

Hey guys. I've come to the conclusion that i need newer hardware to cut down on power consumption. Currently i am running a total OVERKILL of hardware for my use. Atm only i access the NAS with a 10G SFP card in both machines.

Full Specs:
ASRock EP2C602-4L/D16
xeon e5-2670
32 GB ram ECC 1333mhz
Corsair HX1000i

Now what i came up with is to sell the mobo, cpu, ram to cover the cost of the components i've spend in the first place around 500 EUR +/- is reasonable i think. So what can i buy for around 500 EUR that will be powerfull enough and will consume less power? Just want your input to get a better picture.

If you want to keep ECC memory the lower tier Ryzen chips are probably your best bet.
What exactly do you use it for and what is the OS / file system?

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What is your current power consumption and what are you aiming for?

That's what i am talking about. Didn't even consider ryzen. Will be looking around. The mobo will have to support a ton of sata. This one has like 16 it think.

Pretty sure there is no Ryzen board with that amount of SATA.
Stuff like that is why I asked about what you want to do with the machine.

Hey thanks for stopping by again. I didn't/can't measure by the power plug. What i can tell you doe is that our power bill for the whole year was 80 EUR over what we consumed last year so a really rough estimate 80/12=6.6 EUR for one month more than last year.

For holding Steam games, Some programs, Music, Moveis, DL files, and live editing of files like 3d modeling, FBX, blend. Texturing files... That's why i have the SFP NICs. And there will be probably only be one user at a time accessing it.

The OS is debian running ZFS.

I'm not sure it's worth it to be honest, for the cost of new hardware it could take years to start saving money. The amount of power you could hope to save isn't really that much.

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a cheap dual core (sky/kaby lake) pentium would be enough. hyperthreading is optional. mine is a g4400 and it never goes over 5% usage. granted its only doing NAS duty (no streaming etc) but still the dual core pentium would be fine.

otherwise take the xeon and make it a proxmox box. virtualize your NAS and you can add more virtual machines to do different things as needed.

A dual core would hande one user with 10G? Cuz i don't have any perspective about the usage at such speeds.

I agree with @Dexter_Kane. Keep your monster running.

Ha.. Okay. At least is there a think i can do now? I started shutting down the machine at nights. But that will cause the HDDs to 365 times spin up in a year. Is this healthy?

yes. more than 1 10gb port or more users might be iffy and you would need a core-i5 or better (with its associated power draw) .
so stick with the xeon and possibly use proxmox. go into its bios and turn on every power saving feature you can.
at an idle that processor only draws 15W (max TDP is 120W i think) , so your savings will be minimal. most of your power is going to the drives and fans.


not in my opinion, but you should be able to spin down the drives within the os without shutting the box down. will that save power? yes, but it will increase wear on the drives IMHO.

if you were running freenas or nas4free you would have a webgui you could access to show assorted system info such as :


Thanks for the info.