Help me decide which headphones to buy, Please :)

I plan on getting a Mayflower Electronics O2 AMP/DAC combo but I'm currently torn between 2 headphones:

Beyerdynamic DT 880 Premium (600 Ohm)

Hifiman HE-500

Anyone here that has experience with both or either of these that can comment on their experiences? I plan on mostly using them to listen to my lossless/flac audio collection (rock and metal mostly) and for some light gaming.

Why dont you start with a pair off mayflowers site and decide if you need more than that later.

Fostek is legendary they make some of the greatest full range drivers in history and thise modified fostek headphones are fantastic and a great value+ they are tested with that equipment buy em

I currently have a few headphones in the 100-200 dollar price range and I have been interested in experiencing some at the next level or so. I was briefly considering the Grado SR325i (which are available through mayflower) but after reading/watching some reviews on them and the two that I have mentioned above I have decided they may not be the best for my personal taste.

I have worked in super hifi for a decade and have listened to 5k electrostatic headphones trust me on this those modified fosteks will rival $500-2000 headphones. I currently use a set of hd595s. My best source for advice is audiokarma or headfi. Id skip the dt880s and go sennheiser but that just me i like open cans. The hifimans are top shelf and unique as are hd650s hd800s and the fostex modifieds are there as well. Hifi headphones are like wine its up to your taste and your ear cOnstruction. No 2 ears hear the same and the can construction depth and surround can effect everyone differently. I currently use a set of hd595s and have never felt the need to go past their capabilities even though I have experienced higher quality audio. For me there is a threshhold and for headphones its about $600 bucks after that its trivial. Ultimately I am more of a speaker person hifi wise but I have been lucky enough to be around 1/2 million dollar stereo systems and cant justify the cost my ess amts and kefs are just fine for me. Also speakers have to beak in and headphone speakers generally dont get alot of playtime so they can take longer to break in this is the reason alot of times people demo a headset once and say its to trebley or the bass is tight or unresponsive its because they have not broken in yet. When you buy your set leave them running for a couple days or weeks ;p on full range music like classical that will speed up the process. Ive seen speakers take 400 hours to break in properly. Please do a review for us :)


Fostex credited review


Consider the Philips x1's, I've heard nothing but good things about them. I'm planning on getting a pair as soon as I get money for them.

Go out and find a place that lets you try and listen to different headphones. In Toronto we have Long and Mcquade. Pick and buy what you like in your budget.

Everyone is going to tell you to buy something different, We all have our own audio preferences.