If you wouldn't mind checking out this video and voting I'd be very much obliged
Oh yes and pun intended
If you wouldn't mind checking out this video and voting I'd be very much obliged
Oh yes and pun intended
Ohhh you're so cool showing off the games you just bought.
Why are you being such a dick?
Beware: This link will launch a random game from Hoktomaster's library, if you don't own the game, you will be brought to the store page.
*This link will take a few seconds to work after clicked, since I had to do a workaround to get it to work on the forums.
Do me! Do me!
hahaha this shit is epic
That is certaintly amazing, do you think you could make one for me?
Sorry, it's really time consuming and I don't think I can do anymore. I WILL however show you how to do it yourself, depending on how many games you have, it should only take ~30 min.
Stay tuned, and I'll post the source code and tutorial later tonight.
Sweet, thanks.