Help me convert a friend all the way!

Well I've been in the PC gaming world for maybe a year and into computers in general for maybe 5 or 6 years.  I know my fair share.  But I've got this friend that has a PC (shitty hp), an Xbox 360, a PS3, and now wants a PS4.  But just two days ago he wanted a GTX 760 to actually play games at decent frames. so i said ill install it and a power supply no cost.  All was good until he saw the trailer for the PS4 now he wants that and he wont budge.  Hes crazy about the thing.  But he doesn't know what most of us know.  Just how superior a PC is.  All the great exclusives and all the nice graphical magicals.  And don't forget the immersion.  I went back to an Xbox for a week just to see if PC really was any better.  Well i think we all know how that went.  Lets just say the Xbox is no longer in this household... I wanted it gone so bad i gave it away.  Not kidding.  Anyways back to the main topic.  I just want him to make his 400 dollars go worth his while.  I said its up to him, its his money, but I highly recommend he upgrades the computer.  What more can i say to help get him all the way.  Hes never had a good experience with a computer.  Maybe invite him over so he can play a game at 60 fps 1080p at ultra detail for the first time?  I know this is a rather strange post and you guys are probably wondering why I give a fuck.  Well i don't really know, but i do and you cant change that. :P

Thanks to all who reply, if any.  

I have done this many times over and really you just have to let them play an awesome pc exclusive that they would be interested in for my friends it was arma 2 oa playing dayz mod and they were hooked as we are fps players and its a pc only title. Then show them steam and the other good deals on other good sites for games.  Good example on launch day I got BF4 and premium map pack msrp was $60 for the game $50 for all the future dlc and I got it for $48 for the game and $40 on sale.  So he can save money and play a lot of games.

Show him some eyefinity setups!

How about you let him be happy with a PS4? If he wants to learn, then educate him, but if he is happy with the PS4, then leave it at that.


1920.1080.1280.720, I already told you that i am doing exactly that.  Thanks for the other two that understand i am only trying to save the kid a couple bucks and let him have a good time in the process.


I would invite him over and show him how good pc is. Once he has played a bit it might change his mind, but if it doesn't just let him get a ps4. In the long run he might regret getting a ps4 and eventually want to switch.