Help me choose my new GPU

Title says it all!

So im looking to upgrade my GPU. The one i currently use is a GTX 660 DCU 2 from Asus.

But i fell it dos'nt cut it anymore.

I use my PC mostly for gaming.


The GPUs im looking at is a GTX 770-780 or a Radeon 7990. But if you have a better suggestion please give it to me.

Here is the thing would it be better to go with Nvidia and run the 700 in sli with my 660(will it work with two card ´s from diffrent generations?) or should i grab the 7990 and run the two independent from each other?

However i have also heard that dual GPUs as 7990 arnt optimized yet.


If you guys need the rest of my system specs the are right here

Motherboard: Asus sabertooth Z77

CPU: intel 3570K

GPU: GTX 660 DCU 2

Ram: 4GBx2 corsair vengeance

PSU: Antec 620W


Ps plese tell me if you think i need to upgrade my PSU to use the new GPU.

Pps if you have any other questions you need answer to to help me just ask me.

Thanks in advance.

what resolution are you playing at?

im playing at 1920X1080.

Sorry for the late response.

a 780 or 7990 would be throwing money away at 1080p, and to my knowlage sli requires the exact same gpu, i don't know why you would want to run a 7990 an 660 together?

i would reccomend a 770 or 7970, i'l leave someone else to field the powersupply

ok thanks for the help

I'd wait a month for the 9000 series GPUs from AMD to come out. SLI and Crossfire both always require that you use the same card.

What he said. 7990 and 780 is a little overkill for one monitor @1080p. Also I can confirm you need the same gpu to run sli/xfire. Also I think you should consider sli with the 660 because sli 660 would easily run most games today and you'd be saving some money.

i just wasn't 100% because with amd you can cf different cards aslong as they have the same engine/core (crossfire 7870 xt with 7970 possible), and with the 700 series using the same gpus as the 600 series i wasn't sure