Help me choose a good z97 mobo

So i have been trying to find a good mobo for my z97 build but it seems that all of them have some kind of issues.

At first as was looking at gigabyte z97-ud3h which is a good mobo except that some people are saying that it doesnt support linux, and there is a known issue where it overvolts 4790k when you first turn it on which causes it to overheat, this mobo is also not full atx its like .5 inches shorter than full atx. Then i was looking at a asrock z97 extreme4 which would have been a perfect mobo except that all of them have an issue that when you first completely disconnect power from your pc it most likely wont turn on again ( look up reoccuring issue in z97 extreme4), i also was looking at z97x killer and it seems it might have the same problems as extreme4, i was also looking at lots of other z97 mobos and it seems that every mobo has lots of issues. Im trying to find mobo with features close to z97 extreme4, it has to be around 150$, i will overlock 4690k and i will be using CM 280l, and it has to be very reliable. 

Asus Z97-A. Stable and will OC well. Decent set of features and well priced. 

Seems like a good mobo I will probaly go with it, I also noticed that you used kraken x61 in one of you builds, is it good because I'm trying to decide on a cooler for my 4690k that I want to over clock to 4.4 and so far I was thinking about a 280l but its a bit loud