I'm about ready to buy computer parts for my first build, and I was curious if the community can find issues with it.
I'm also on a budget of $650, so if you think i could go cheaper with any of the parts I would appreciate it.
Other things I want mention:
- I already have a keyboard, mouse, monitor and a copy of windows 7
- I live in the united states
- I prefer to buy from newegg or amazon
- Games that I would like to play on this build would be bioshock: infinite, the witcher, and skyrim on medium or high settings.
Switch that PSU out forc a Lepa G650, and you're set!
Also, for the love of god, spend the extra $10 on the 6350.
If you can throw up an extra 20-30 dollars get this. It will be a beast.
Thanks you two for jumping in and helping me :)
Updated list:
Also, I was thinking about playing the long game and upgrading my parts over time. So i'm asking if this would handle something like a 8350 and a 7970? (i'll most likely have to get a new psu)
A 650W PSU will handle an 8350 and a 7970 perfectly fine. I personally have a 6350 and a 7970 and it runs perfectly fine on a 600W PSU.
Wrong PSU; I'm talking about the Lepa G650, which is 80+ Gold.
Try going for at least a 7790 if you plan on gaming.
Played around with the specs a little. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1bgth
PSU is alright.
Matter of fact you're still 50$ under your budget, and giving it straight to the CPU make you save 1xx$ at the end of the road.
Tinkered around with your suggestions, and landed right on my budget.