Here's the deal I have two R9 270x cards in my system I want to blacklist the 2nd card so I can do a PCI passthrough using KVM-QEMU to a VM
My system consists of the following hardware:
AMD 8370 on a Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 with 16gig of RAM
2x Asus R9 270x cards
The reason I'm asking is I'm currently running Fedora 22 and I don't know exactly what commands to use since they just changed from YUM to DHM? of course I don't even know what file to edit or modify since I'm a N00b at Linux and have used nothing but debian based Linux distros, and I'll probably need to pass through a USB for a Logitech G-13 but I can deal with that at a later date when I worry about the sound
I can tell you that the MB is setup and KVM acceleration is available, so at this point I just need Fedora to stop loading the card I would believe....but I could be wrong.
I'd offer my first born in trade for the info but all I really have is genuine appreciation for the help. ;) maybe this post will help, then again i cant guarantee anything provided i havent used this guide myself yet and i dont have any real experience with pci passthrough, i wish best of luck to you and i hope someone will be able to provide a better answer. i think this is video was made by the dude who made the post on arch forum
Thank you, I think it may help but the newest version of Fedora I believe uses the new Linux kernel and I'm concern about using a old guide, I'm just trying to get a little feedback before I try this tomorrow.
Thanks again for the links.
I'd be intrested in the results aswell. I currently have 2 GFX cards in my system aswell, (GT630 + HD7790), and I'd like to forward the 7790 to Windows. For disableing a PCI device, I think there is a kernel parameter that allows you to do that.
A link was posted the other day for me by @Taco_Bell that may help you, I tried following the guide but I think it's more for a debian distro or the older kernel because it didn't work out for me, I'm too new to Linux to know exactly why it didn't work or how to maybe change the syntax to make it work but I'll repost the link here in hopes that it might work for you.
you may have a point on that though i guess newer kernels will only improve kvm support instead of decrease. it is very unlikely that pci passthrough will break your hardware, you could always make a image of your linux install if your worried about ruining it
Yeah maybe, I do know the newer kernels do offer much more support and Fedora and OpenSuse from what I've now seen do offer much better support than lets say Ubuntu, but they will all eventually catch up, I know the pass through won't break the system but I also don't want just aimlessly waste my time typing in commands that are not going to accomplish the task I'm trying to perform, I'm more than willing to devote all the time it takes to learn something but once I start spinning my wheel or digging a hole I have to stop and ask for help which is why I made this thread.
Man...I've been so close to getting this to work using this guide...
If I could just get Fedora to let me "detach" the 2nd video card in step 3, I figured out most of the rest and even passed the card through to the guest, fired up the guest and it crashed locking up, knew it would happen but wanted to see if I had actually configured the card correctly in the VM which it was but the host and guest can't use the card at the same time, I knew
So... after 3 days of hunting and reading as to why I can't get this to work when everything leading up to this step works without a hitch.
When I type the command : virsh nodedev-dettach pci_xxxx_xxxx (x's represent the actual card ID that I'm using and have verified to be the correct card)
I get a response back listing the device and saying not detatched.
The correct response is suppose to be : Device pci_xxxx_xxxx dettached
So after several days of reading and not coming up with a answer, my friend asks me if I removed the crossfire cable linking the two cards, I have not, does anyone out there think this could be the problem? I mean if it is it's gonna' be one of those DUH! moments.
I'm at work so I can't test this theory but the more I consider it the more likely it becomes that the crossfire cable linking the cards could very well be what is keeping Linux from detaching from the 2nd video card.
Well I think you may have found the answer. GPUs being link together linux sees it as one card and one pci address.
Good luck
Well I tend to agree with you up to a point and that being that when I run the command : "virsh nodedev-list | grep pci" it returns two distinct (0100 & 0300) (I'm assuming this is a reference to the pci slot the card is residing in) cards and two addresses like pci_0300_0000_01 and pci_0100_0000_01 (not the actual addresses but similar). I'm confident I'm doing everything correctly, that the hardware is correct for doing what I'm trying to do, and that all the settings are correct because I did pass through the card without Linux detaching it, it started to work then crashed the guest and
So I know I'm on the right track and very close, it's just that no one has said "Hey Dummy Make Sure You Remove The SLI Or Crossfire Cable Before Preceding!" I know it should be a given that you would, but I didn't and I'd hope I'm not the first, if that is the problem I'm gonna' feel pretty dumb because the guy that suggested it might be the problem has no clue about Linux or virtualization and I'll have to bow down and tell him he was right, but it will be worth it! lol