I would like to learn three different languages, C++, Japanese, and I'm still unsure of the third.
Can you guys help direct me to some online resources to learn these languages, and suggest a third language?
I know that help with learning Japanese doesn't really belong here but I can't find all that much on it.
I am doing this as I have a whole load of time to kill, around 6 hours a day I can do absolutely nothing with, other than League of legends.This probably won't change for at least five years, so that's around 3650 hours total I can put into learning each language
Any help is very greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
So, when learning languages. You don't want to over burden yourself. 2 Languages is plenty. Japanese isn't exactly a programming language so google will be a good friend. Tho, if you can get your hands on rosettastone, I checked out the German part and it seems quite accurate to what I have learned from formal education so they seem reliable. For C++ see the "How to start programming" post I made and there is a tutorial on it there.
Why 3? Focus a lot on C++ instead of half-assing C++ and some other language. Stay devoted to C++, and it will take you far. My favorite language, for general application development and game development. For networking, ehh, not the best, but still very capable with libraries.