I have a iPad that i only use for mobile videos and email but recently i wanted to jailbreak it and mess with it because i don’t use it any more. so i updated it to find out i cant on that version. so i waited for the next one and there was no change. it is on 8.1.3 any ideas how to get around it and being able to jailbreak it.
So its been awhile sense I've even held an ios device I think I upgraded when ios8 first came out and never looked back. But to answer your question you might get lucky and find a way to downgrade it to an earlier version. Though I wouldn't hold my breath generally you need device specific and os specific ssh blobs (which you can only get by having it previosly jailbroken) and even then there was no promise you could downgrade to that version in the future. I'm sure when ios 8.2 or something there will be new jailbreak out. Pro Tip if your interested in jailbreaking avoid mostly bug fixes updates (the 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 updates) or better yet don't update at all. A lot of the time the developers behind jailbreaks will hold off on releasing the jailbreak till ios updates and it's not always the case that the update will still leave the many holes they use in order for their jailbreak to work.
-Best of luck!
thanks guys for your comments i will keep this in mind
Wait, eventually another jailbreak will be released.
The Taig team is currently working on it for 8.2-8.4 however as of Friday, 8.2 is no longer signed. I say update to 8.3 and wait as 8.1.3 released specifically to remove Jailbreak exploits and it is highly more likely 8.2 and 8.3 will be jailbreaked where as 8.1.3 won't.
thanks i will keep this in mind