[help] Intel RST "Never spin the hard drive down"?

Hello everyone, I configured a SSD cached HDD using Intel RST, It works beyond expectations.

However I have a question, in DC Cache Policies
By default it wants to “Never spin the hard drive down”

In my mind brain it sounds like it might wear down the HDD faster than the second option:
“Spin the hard disk drive down after an optimal idle period” (which is the one I’ve been using for the last days without problems)

Do you have any experience or knowledge that could clarify this setting?
I don’t mind if the disk is a bit slower as long as it lives longer, (money to buy) storage doesn’t grow on trees.

In my experience, whenever a drive has failed it is on start up/spin up.

Thats when they’re under more load i believe. So i’d keep it spinning. Only reason to spin down IMHO is for laptop power saving.

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