I think I killed my Vega 56. I’ve been having issues for a while now and it seems the last time I pulled it out, I didn’t get the power cables back in! The second 6+2 cable had the +2 slightly adrift. I must have not pushed it in propery!
All the years I’ve been messing with PC’s, I’ve never made that mistake.
This problem is now that the GPU is constantly black screening. It’ll be at idle and will will just crash. PC keeps running as I can hear the sound.
PSU is a Fractal Design Ion 860W
CPU 3800X
I’m running 4 screens with 3 in eyefinity (Racing Sim)
Any thoughts would be great. I’m upgrading to a 5700XT anyway but would be good to know if this GPU is still usable.
If you were already having issues and now you have black screens, I would say it is on it’s last legs. You could examine the power connector and see if anything is visibly damaged. You could also try DDU and a driver install for a Hail Mary attempt to solve the problem. Otherwise if you have a new card coming, then you should probably just write it off.
I made the same mistake once but it didn’t kill my GPU. I don’t think it was luck of the draw in my case because the pins are all isolated so if they’re not making proper contact it just doesen’t work. Also the voltage is low enough that you wouldn’t get arcing if not poperly plugged in.
In my opinion it just gave out at the “wrong time” making you think that you’re killed it.
Try DDU and new drivers as suggested, why not easy and free.
As a longest of long shots, literal last ditch effort, you could try a vBIOS flash and see if was some sort of corruption with potentially bad powering.
Most pc gear works normal untill its dies. For a gpu you can cleans it and re-apply the heat sink. That can help thermals but if its silicon is glilching its done for.
Not putting the power cables in the GPU more than likely taxed the MB more that the GPU so. Your MB could be the problem.
It hard for a lack of power to damage anything. Pulling a GPU’s power through a 75w PCI slot could. Try the GPU in the other slot on your MB if it is free.
Yeah, makes sense.
I mean the card has been ok the last few days. The problem really seemed to bite when the card has been running for hours on end. I’m using this PC to work from home, so the GPU isn’t working hard (just LibreOffice and chrome!) but after a full day it seems to give the issues.
No signs of overheating so maybe I have damaged the Motherboard. I should have the 5700XT here this week so at least I can narrow it down.
I would be a great fit for my other PC if it still works.
If it is the motherboard, well that’s lasted for a good few years so not the end of the world.
Though I am going to try the Drivers again. The AMD Drivers of late have been pretty awful for eyefinity setups.
So after wiping all the drivers and reinstalling the latest… again… It seems better.
tbh, the state of the latest drivers from AMD has been pretty questionable.