so my cousin has been into pc gaming for a while now. but his computer is shit. really the only game it run smoothly is counter-strike. he doesnt know much about computers, so to the best of my ability i created a list of parts for his $750 budget which included monitor. and we did this together while he was visiting (he lives in another state). the main parts of the build were an i5 4460, and a r9 280x. since i created the list i linked it to him multiple times and he has went back to his home state. now somehow he has ended up ordering an i7 and a 750 ti. FOR A GAMING COMPUTER. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. SOMEONE HELP.
Well unless he cancels that order quickly, he's beyond saving.
He could just return the items. Especially if they were ordered on Amazon. You will receive the refund as long as the item is in tack and not damaged.
The CPU is fine. The GPU deserves only contempt and hurtful laughter. Some games, e.g Crysis 3 supposedly runs faster on an i7.
you need to get him to cancel that order or he'll regret it. I say shame him and never speak again if he follows through lol
the cpu is fine for a 1000+ budget not a 750 budget lol
Yeah, I was just stating that its a fine line of CPU's lol.
Edit. Why not just find him some used parts? Its not like they wear out unless the guy you buy from overclocked it to hell and back. Used parts will stretch the money that much further. I think the only thing I wont buy used if given the chance is PSU. I have build plenty of system for friends bought cheaply but which are still in the high midrange of performance. Imagine getting a mobo+cpu combo for cheaps with e.g a 3770k a used monitor and then burn the extra on a new beefy gpu (or 2 used ones).
Update: ok so apparently he has a computer "smart" friend who told him he NEEDED a 4gb card. and so he bought a 4gb 750 ti.... as if 3gb wasnt enough for 1080p already. he also has the mentality: "idc as long as it can run X game"
The parts are fancy-pantsy, its just that he's going over budget. Don't you just hate "enthusiast-friends" who always go for the most expensive stuff...
I'm not saying the parts are bad. they really are not. I just hate to see him waste his money when he could have gotten so much more for the same price. And im hardly an enthusiast ive never even owned any enthusiast grade parts.....
It is his money, let him do it. If he chooses to go over his budget that is on him. If you gave him the correct information and he chooses to ignore it, there is no reason to get worked up. Either his computer will do what he wants and he can bask in his happiness, or it won't and if he ever complains/asks why you can can tell him you told him so.