HELP! HDD not working right, don't know what too do

Ok I'm kind of a tech noob so  please bear with me.  I just completed my first build (  It worked perfectly for a few days until I crashed it and did a hard reboot.  After doing so I noticed that my hard drive which had previously read "994gb remaining" now reads "98gb remaining"  In the BIOS it still comes up as a 1000gb WD drive.

It's a western digital Blue 1TB.


Please Help I don't know what too do.  I tried googling the problem but all the tools people recommend refuse to work on windows 8.1.  I tried reformatting the drive (too no avail), checking too see if there was any un-partitioned data (there isn't), and also tried using WD's support portal (it's a nightmare).


Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!


Wow, that's a wierd one... So it shows as almost completely full in windows? 

Download Defraggler just to analyze the disk (and try running a defrag cycle from it while you're at it, to force the disk to look at the clusters). 

Have you tried to run scandisk form disk management?

That is very odd. Might be a fluke in the BIOS. Try what castigo said. Also download crystaldiskinfo to check the health of the hard drive as well. 

Thanks for replying.

Crystal disk info says it's a 1000.2 gb drive but can't read what drive letter it is.  I rand defragler (normal defrag and analyze) but it just said the disk was healthy and fragmented.

I ran scandisk but it just said the disk was healthy.

Thanks for the help but I fear I may just have to return the drive.

If it makes you feel any better, you've probably won the 'wierdest HHD problem' of the day... ;)

Alrighty, from what I am thinking now is the partition table went corrupt. Cause if the partition table went corrupt, that would make it impossible for Windows to give a drive letter. Trying to get that partition back can be a bitch. If you can run a utility called testdisk to try to recover that partition. If crystaldiskinfo read that the drive is healthy then it should be good. Did you have any important data on your drive?

The drive was empty I finished my build a couple days ago and backed up everything on the drive after I noticed it was being squirrely.  Also I ran WD data lifeguard and is shows 3 drives in my system (I only have 2) my 120gb ssd my 1000gb hard drive and a 107.9gb "MSFT storage space" drive.

Also in disk management I just noticed that in the drive list it skips form drive 0 to drive 2 (the 107gb drive that shouldn't exist) I think It's reading part of my 1tb drive as being a totally separate drive and not giving me access to the full drive.

You were right what the computer thinks is the 1tb drive doesn't have a letter but the mysterious 3rd drive does.

I am so confused right now.


Thanks for your help I'll try testdisk


sorry for wasting your time i feel like such and idiot.

I just had to go to control panel>system security>storage space>change settings>Storage space size (I accidental wrote 100 instead of 1000 when I installed the drive)>change maximum to 1000

sorry for wasting your time and thanks for all your help

Well that will do it! Glad you could fix it.

No problem man, glad it was nothing serious! :)