So I recently bought a new phone and got a cheap batterycase in the deal. The case is nice, even though it's a bit bulky and the battery in the case sucks. It's supposed to be a 5000mAh battery but my phone only carges about 50% with it, thus i'm looking for a replacement battery to put in it.
The battery right now is about 95 × 60 × 3-4mm (3 5⁄8 × 2 3⁄8 × 1⁄7 in) and there is some extra room for a bigger battery.
Does anyone know of a high capacity battery around that size useable for my needs? I prefer 10000mAh+ premium battery so it lasts a couple of chares (phone battery is 3050mAh). All I could find online is cheap chinese stuff, and they sure could be great, although I don't trust them and wouldn't want the battery to blow my pants off while charging the phone.
A power bank could be an option, just rip that battery out and put in the case. The problem is that it's difficult to know the size of the battery (unless the power bank is about the size of the current battery, then it's obviously won't be to big).
It's a bonus if the battery can be purchased in europe.
Hack the planet (and satellite)!
Thanks / tInc