HELP Fx-6300 runs very very hot maybe?

Hey guys i need some help here, My uncle & i just built my Fx-6300/gtx 470 build and everything seems great so far. In bios when he had it run for a few minutes to make sure it worked i noticed it seems to be warm (high 30s/low 40s) at the time. I've had it for 2 days now and i was playing Tera last night and i checked the cpu/gpu temp in speed fan and it said the gpu was 89 and the cpu was 85, yet not as ingle fan ramped up (i have 1 intake 1 side 2 exhaust(psu has 2 additional exhaust) weird thing i noticed is my gtx 470's fan wasn't ramping up on its own(it got to high 80s and stayed at like 40 percent or so) So in evga precision x i created a fan curve and that works great to keep it cool. I'm still worried about my cpu 85 degrese, insane. I tried another program called core temp and the diffference is huge, on that playing tera it didn't pass 50. Also the idle in speed fan is 38 while core temp is 27. ANy help you can dish out at me is great, I'm worried i'll burn out my cpu for some stupid reason

Also here are my build specs

  • Fx-6300(stock cooler, MSI's OC genie took it to 3.94ghz)
  • MSI 970A-G46 mobo
  • 4 gig random ram
  • GTX 470
  • 680w psu

Having speedfan open stops automatic fan control from the motherboard, as it has it's own (non functional) fan control built in.

Are you using the stock heatsink for the 6300? If so, thats normal....ish depending on ambient temperatures. Also DO NOT overclock with the stock cooler. It can not handle the load.


Rip that stock cooler of the 6300 and get some decent cooling.

Also make sure you make your own custom fan control in speedfan. That's why none of the fan speeds are differing.

Yes i'm using the stock heatsink, it is OC'd to 3.94, i had no idea speedfan does that Thank you. Any idea why the two programs would give such different readings?

your overclocking on a stock cooler..... really? why? please stop, run it at stock with turbo on, and get an aftermarket cooler to oc on like a sane person

The amount of data being processed will vary between programs. Make sure you spend a few extra dollars and get a good quality thermal paste. Clean the CPU with pure rubbing alcohol with a coffee filter. I say coffee filter as they do not leave any lint. You just need a pea sized dob in the center of the CPU when installing the aftermarket cooler. It will spread out evenly and even more once it heats up so do not use too much paste. Those temps are too high for sure for the length of time you are talking about.

CPUID Hardware monitor pro. free programm

also cool programs cpu-z

and techpowerup GPU-Z

Thanks for the website MisteryAngel. I am going to have a look at those programs. I take it you have been using them for a while.

In Hwmonitor it was matching my lower temps, the cpu fan is on 100% as well... i hadn't realized it is very quiet. is that normal? i turned off the OC settings. 

I also just noticed the top 140mm fan is pointed down towards teh cpu, my uncle says its to help blow air over the cpu. I was under the impression it was going to point up as an exhaust, should i change it? I have 1 in the front 1 side 1 on the rear and the one on the top pointed down..Should i flip it around and try it then?

dude rule of thumb heat rises, so your uncle needs to revise his physics knowledge, so flip it. also what is the size and rpm of your other case fans, as ideally you want a positive airpressure in your rig, i.e more air being pushed in than what is being pulled out, this helps reduce dust build up over time.

the rear is the case fan that came w/ the case, the other is 140mm and says about 60 (cheap fans lol) but i want them to work together instead of against eachother i have another cheap 120 i'll be putting in the front to have dual front intake


get that other 120 in there sooner rather than later if you already got it, at least then your case pressure will be balenced out, i would flip the side as it's most likely the lowest rpm one, and should'nt work against the cpu stock fan (but once you got an aftermarket cooler on it will be ideal) that way you will have positive air pressure and air will actually be gently sent to the mothboard aaannnd be pulled out the top and top rear fan. which will mean happy airflow days :)

Chances are the fan is not running at 100% if you can't even hear it- period.

And you want an equal amount of exhaust and intake, preferrably having the exhaust at the top or back of the case. This works with the nature of heat, which is to rise. If you want to blow air on to the cpu, blow it in with a side case fan, if you have a spot for one, or just get a new cooler. The stock cooler is absolute junk.

from what i'm seeing online, the xigmateks dark knight should fit in my case by 1mm, should i go w/ something smaller?


Yes. Chances are it wouldn't even fit.

any recomendations i'm using a nzxt source 210 case(budget build)

Report: I fliped the 140 over and now i'm down to 18-20 idle(cpuid hwmonitor), haven't run any games or anything. I haven't put in the 120 front intake yet, will do in a while i want to see if keeping the 140 this way is best. My uncle's theory is correct, as my graphics card + hard drive almost close off the bottom of the case, he most likely thought not enough air would get to the cpu but there is more than enough room around it to get air to the cpu.

Latest report: hard drive is blocking installation of second intake fan, resolved to put the 120 as another exhaust (not ideal i know) HW monitor reports that at idle cpu was at its lowest 17, but hovers around 19 idle. Thanks for the help you guys, I'm not sure what cpu cooler i'll get