Hi! this is my first post here =)
I got a free Dell dell precision 690 workstation
and i'm having hard time finding a case that will fit the internals =(
the OEM original case is old / ugly and beaten up so i wish to get help with my delimma
the idea is to use it as a secondary PC or even a server but i wont be doing it with that ugly dell case =P
the specs if someone intrested
dual xeon cpu's 3,2gig each , 64 gigz of ram
nVidia quadro gpu 3700 , raid card , 1k power supply...
thankfull for any help =)
What's your budget for the new case??
does it come wit the ram? 64 gigs of ddr2 will run you about $2000 or so. i'm not even joking.....
i'm thinking it's proprietary form factor.... your not gonna be able to put it in a new case...
up to 300 $ , something around that.
yes you got the right photo and it got the rams on board.
ok, but your still stuck, it's a btx form factor...... noone makes cases with that FF