Hi I think i might have a problem as i ordered a 550W PSU for my system. However since then i've been googling some stuff and it can support my ivybridge 3770 (no K :( ) which is 147W and the GPU which is a 670 at 279 at full load/stress. Now inmy case i have a DVD drive (for OS and old games), SSD, HDD, stock CPU cooler, and 2 x 120mm 1 x 200mm and a 140mm. Could My NZXT HALE90 550W Power all this?? Need Help FAST!!!! as i dont have long to cancel it, also does the MB use any power and if so how much.
PS: so far with them all added up it comes to 563.7 Watt 13 OUT!!!! is this right?
Depends on theefficiency of the psi but I believe it will be able to handle it
Yes you probably need a more powerful PSU for this build I would say at least 600W to be on the safe side. But do not take my word for granted, I'm not a that much of an expert in computers.
The PSU is 95% eff and the PSU and the CPU are both at full load then so do you think they would both be at full load at the same time in real life?
i was worrying about that, thats when there at full load though?
How much time have you got?
There's morecomplex math to how pus wattage goes but generally 550 is more than enough to power such a system
1 to 2 days before the order is shipped but surely they wouldnt max load at the same time as each other would they?
Good Because the gpu was being stress tested with these results under Furmark so they wont get that high easily will they?
Good I just had to make sure because i didnt want to have to spend more money and have my pc crash and under preform
jeremy is running a 3570 OC'd to 3.8GHz on a rosewell 430w green PSU
You. will. be. fine.
Thanks but it didnt come through :( just a blank box and a http://m.
This video should help
thanks it worked that time :D
Yeah, 550 watts should be fine, but it's probably cutting it a little close. Most PSU's nowadays can actually output around 100 watts more than what is advertised. Also, this might come in handy in the future:
I just threw all your specs into that calculator, except they don't have the 670 listed yet so I used a 680 instead. Even with a 680 and with the computer at full load, the system would only consume 450 watts.
Thanks its a pretty useful!!! i think it will be ok! :D