So I have no idea where this actually fits on the forum, so mods feel free to move this to its proper place.
In any-case, Doku has a brand new adult job and my Dell Insperon from 2007 finally kicked the bucket. So I need a laptop that will handle my day to day business, but nothing too over the top since I've got a fully loaded gaming PC I built last year. The main problem I'm having is that laptops are freaking expensive and I really cannot justify spending more on a laptop than I did on my tower. So what I'm looking for is a 13-15.6 sized laptop with at least an i5 that does not cost more than $800. Seeing as I haven't bought a laptop in around 8 or 9 years I have no idea who the major players are any more; Dell was inexpensive and worked through college for me, but I really don't know if I want to go that route again.
Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm open to everything except apple stuff cause it's just too damn expensive.
Thanks a lot!