Help chooseing speakers and amplifier

Hey guys. This is my first post in the forums here. First of all I want to say that i really love this website and I watch the tek on a regular basis, just never camed to the forum. The quality of news here is very nice.

Now i come to the forum somehow with a problem.

I am having a problem chooseing an amplifier for my speakers.

I want to but these speakers:
Pioneer CS-7070

I have tested them in a shop here and I really love how they sound and I think I am going to buy these.

Now for the amplifier.
I was thinking thse one:

But I have no ideea if this is to powerfull for these speakers of if it is not powerfull enough. I don't know what to look for when you buy an amplifier and I would need some advice here.
Please recomend an amplifier from that website and state why it is better than the one I chose. 
The amplifier should be around 1 200 lei if possible.
One thing to note is that I would like the option to be able to hook up 4 speakers to the amplifier.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.
Thnx in advance.

Olso sory for my bad english.

Alright I scrubbed through this article which kind of explains the math of figuring it out.

What I got from it from reading it very briefly is your amp is supposed to match the total watts of your speakers. So you have 2 190w speakers so you want an amp with something around that. I found a amp/receiver that is cheaper than 1200 lei and has 400w which is more than enough.

That is a nice tutorial. Thnx for that. I will read all of it after I finish work.

As for the amplifier you mentioned, is from america and to bring it to romania would cost me way to much. I will try and find that model here if I can, if not I will try and buy something else, now that I have a tutorial to teach me :)