Hey guys,
So I currently have Verizon FiOS and I have zero choice in the matter. I am also using the router that Verizon gave me. I'd like to build a router this upcoming summer (I live in the states). The current router gets its internet connection to the world via Coax cable. So I guess my real question here is how am I supposed to build a router with it getting a connection from the outside through Coax? Any help would be appreciated!
Well you have a modem/router combo, I'm not sure how you'd get the modem part working, but you could buy a 3rd party modem and then hook that up to a router you build, though your ISP might not allow 3rd party modems or do things to it such as throttle your connection.
Being that you have Fios, and the Fios transceiver should have outputs for both Coax and Fiber. It may also have a RJ45 jack.
Which Verizon box do you have that terminates the fiber connection?
Unfortunately I'm in Australia (really not I love it here) for a semester, so I can't give you the specifics on what box I have. I do remember seeing a box in my basement that has an RJ45 port on it though. I'd imagine that gives off the COAX throughout the rest of the house.
If it has an RJ45 connection on the box in the basement, you "should" be able to connect that directly to whatever router you want and get your internet that way. You may have to yell at verizon if it doesn't work out of the box.
It's how I hooked up my office in NY.
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Thank you you're the best! I'm gonna install pfSense on a vm on my server and try that out!
test it out short term, but ultimately you want PFSense to be on it's own machine. Mainly because it's a security concern to have it in a Virtual machine. (if it will even install)
Okay gotcha. Thanks for all the help Qain, and holy shit quick response.
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Here is the part list I put together for a machine that I'll be building for my router, let me know what you think when you get the chance, since you're so busy with the move and all.
Hmm. Im no @DeusQain but I would recommend going the direction of intel nic's. They tend to just be better despite being more expensive. Seeing as this is also a 24/7 system I would find a power supply of similar wattage and specs from another company. My reasoning on this is just like a PC you dont want shitty power. To be quite frank I have read a lot of terrible reviews from the PSU and I have had a look at its intenals. There are probably better alternatives in the price range.
What is your budget? I am not trying to add that much more I am just curious? Also if your going to go wireless I would definitley go intel wireless cards for the PC as their drivers are a whole lot less finicky than broadcom's (your gigabyte card) in unix based environments i.e Linux BSD (Pfsense) and well any other *nix
Before I recommend a NIC I kinda would like to know what kinda home network ecosystem we are looking at. In the meantime here are my suggestions for the wireless card and Power supply below
Wireless Adapter
I realize this also adds a bit of money but its a far better adapter in terms of support and reliability than most others
Power Supply
I realize this adds about 20 bucks to the price here but it is SOOO much better than an earth watts in the long run. Especially if the system is one 24/7.. FYI for reviews I definitely recommend going to more tech oriented sites rather than shopper oriented sites.. i.e tweaktown vs newegg
yeah but for a NIC.... imma hold off till I have an idea how your network looks. Multiport nicks plus one dedicated single port nic tends to be my preferred setup on a pfsense box but it does not have to be this way especially if your entire network is wireless for example
I updated the wireless adapter, and I'll definitely switch the power supply. Money isn't really a problem, I just wanted to keep the build cheap lol. I might have a few intel nics lying around the house, but I'm currently in Australia and will be here for the next few months, so I'll check when I get back haha.