Hey guys. Last week i put together my first ever build. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Jck2 I Installed win7 home premium 64bit. It ran fine for about 48hrs. Then after some quick ms updates and a restart. I got a bsod. error: 0x000000de UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME. So i ask and look around and find out it is most likely my hdd. So I runt to bestbuy grab a seagate barracuda 1tb. Now after Installing my os onto it. I am recieving another bsod this one is error: 0x0000007e with no title/discription. I have no idea what this is or why i am have such problems. Also just to mention my os disk of win7 64bit. Comes with the service pack 1 installed. Yet i constantly get update errors for service pack 1. Idk if this has anything to with it.But im STUMPED! Can anyone please help? Thanks.
well im confused as to why this is posted under policy&tech, but anyways
it would be worth knowing how long before this erroc occours after booting into windows, but Ive found through personal experience that bsod is easist fixed by installing all your mobo drivers, and any other drivers you might need
otherwise you might want to try removing things like the gpu for a while and see if that blue screens, this is just going to reduce the power consuption and increace your stability. also reset bios on the mobo and resit the ram.
Best thing to do if your installing updates is to download updates from the official sites first, then download and install each update individualy, can take a day but when you find an update that causes bsod, write it down, restore and hide it. Sometimes you just get a driver that does not like your computer