Help - Avoiding having to rebuy windows + some AV advice



I've ordered a  new PC, pre-built, I'm ashamed to say but for various reasons that aren't important it was currently my only option and looking at the cost of the individual parts there was only a very small premium.

It comes with windows 8 and I really want nothing to do with it and I already have windows 7 on my laptop (with a serial key) so is there anyway I can use that same key for my new desktop? Would I have to phone M$ to deactivate the copy on my laptop? Because that is far too much effort.

Then I have read about using copies with Windows Loader but I have no experience with that kind of thing. Is it as secure with updates etc? or as usually only secure as the user? I've already bought windows 7 once, I don't see why I should have to buy it again for all my computers, it would be like having to purchase your steam games for all you pc's.

One other thing I would like to ask, is McAfee anti virus really as abysmal as its made out to be? I only ask as it comes with a "lifetime" copy. Would I be better with a free AV like I normally use?


This doesn't fill me with confidence for the software haha




Thanks for reading and any input is appreciated

I'm not sure about the OS, but McAfee is pretty abysmal.  Although I should note that John McAfee no longer has any connection to the company.

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