[Help] Alternate Graphics Card Suggestions

Hello everyone, I have been planning to build a desktop for quite some time now, and today I was planning on ordering, when I noticed that the website that I planned on buying the Gigabyte GV-R795WF3-3GD (Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950 3GB) from (only seller of card) says "Discontinued" where the "Add to Cart" button should be.  Now I hadn't ever seen that it was discontinued, but 1. Does anyone know why it was (just wondering), and more importantly, 2. What other card would you suggest I get instead, maybe another brand 7950?  I would like the card to have 3Gb of memory, and the price range is ~$300.  If you want to look at my current build, click this link: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/malcontents/saved/2FBm I was recommended this card over on my old post regarding my PC, found here, where you can check out the planned purpose/use of my desktop: https://teksyndicate.com/forum/build-pc/first-build-need-feedback/150892.  Thanks I appreciate help on previous topics and this one :)

Update: Would like to get this card before Christmas, as I have the rest of my parts, but my motherboard doesn't have on-board video memory from what I've looked at it. (Only looked at case, won't open until Christmas, I didn't see a VGA or DVI connector in specs or in picture)  That means I'll need my graphics card to output to my monitor.  Note: Motherboard: Asrock 990FX Extreme 4 ATX AMD3+.

i would say go with a R9-280X for sub $300.

Msi R9-280X gaming is a good choice. or Asus R9-280X DC2-T

Grtz Angel ☺

Before answering your GPU question, I'd just like to say that the AMD FX series is POWER HUNGRY. IT SHALL DEVOUR THINE POWAH. But seriously, that's a really power hungry CPU. You should upgrade your PSU to perhaps 800W, for when you get your GPU in and stuff....

As for the GPU, personally, I like the HIS Radeon 7870 IceQ GHz Edition in Crossfire, but that's a good $400 for the both of them... if you want a good GPU for similar pricing, you could always get one, and later, get another and crossfire 'em

Thats not true!!!, a 550/650W is more then enough for a single gpu setup.

His build is absolutly fine. the R9-280X is the best gpu he could get for the money.☺

Really? Damn I better go rip out my 650W unit. Don't want my GTX 780, 3 HDDs and 4.8 Ghz 8350 POWER HUNGRY MONSTER eating all my power. Seriously though, the 8350 does use more power but the amount is almost completely insignificant. Most people do not need over 600W...

Crossfire is a PITA, at least from my experience, better grabbing one card. The R9-280X is a great choice. 

Update: The Asus R9-280X DC2-T appears to be out of stock on all major websites, will keep looking though.  Also, I've only looked at one Msi R9-280X gaming GPU, but it was ~$400...

what the hell happened to newegg and its gpu prices? they gone completly mad.. the R9-280X is more expensive in the US then a R9-290 in the Netherlands  WTF..

Price fluctuations due to demand.People demand these over the holiday period.Newegg is in a position where it can charge any price it wants because it knows people will pay to get the gifts

AMD can't keep up their production at all

yeah i was thinking that  2, in the Netherlands prices are also bumped up a bit, but not that much..

Well I won't, :P only because I'm on a budget of ~$1000 (its already $1200 now), so I guess I'll just have to wait, which is unfortunate.


The AMD cards are going crazy because of all the crypto-currency mining exploding after bitcoins' success, litecoin etc.

Decided to go with the Asus R9-280X DC2-T, and just get on the waiting list.

Thank you for all the suggestions!

I had a Crossfire setup and hated it. Nothing ever scaled right. Driver issues all the time. Stick with a single card. And the R9 280X is a HD 7970 re-branded. So much to the point that Logan was curious and set up a 280x and 7970 in crossfire and worked. (Shhh AMD says don't tell any one) But there the same damn thing.

If you wanted a 7970 they have just been renamed the R9 280X. And power hungry CPU. Ha Ha. I could run that card and a FX 200 watt+ 9000 series off the CX600.

Sorry to be so blunt. But I'm low in sleep caffeine and bubble gum.  

My crossfirex setup works perfectly, in game and out.


Ya every one is mining with them. Checked them out. Micro Center seems to be completely out. And Fry's only has the MSI one at 339.99 US. You may want to look into an Nvidia card. If you look around hard enough you can find a Asus GTX 670 Mini for 299.99 or save some and get a 760 OC card. Its close in performance to a stock clocked 670. 

Still haven't gotten the card, after 3 months they're out of stock everywhere/way more expensive; any alternate cards that would be equivalent/better/almost as good as the Asus R9-280X DC2-T?  Budget is still $300 for the card, and I would like 3Gb of graphics memory.

I'd suggest with pricing the way it is, a GTX 770 would be the way to go. I'm not sure why you are caught up with video memory, I've never heard of anyone having trouble with the 680/770s 2GB, unless you're playing skyrim with a stupid amount of mods and textures at 1440p. If you're desperate for the 3GB, then I guess you're left with a 780.

The thing is I'm planning on doing editing as well, and a lot of people recommended this card.  I don't currently have the funds, or I would consider buying a 770, but it would kind of be a waste of money, as I would use the 280X then once it arrived...