Help a transitioning peasant out? :(

It's my second day after building my pc and i still haven't been able to solve this problem on windows 8.1. Firstly, my problem came when updating nvidia drivers, my whole screen was overscanned and i couldn't figure it out until today - i simply turned off overscan on my HDTV menu. But now the resolution is low. I've seen some posts about low res on 8.1 saying to go to personal settings and set icon and text across all monitors to small et.c but that only helped a little. Not nearly as crisp as it should be. (When i first booted, it was so crisp and sexy). I think i'm going to circum to win7 despite win8 being faster and giving more FPS in BF4.



What do?

Have you tried changing the resolution in the nvidia or windows control panels?

Right click on your desktop and select Nvidia control panel. Under display, click on change resolution. Set your resolution to whatever is native. Then click on desktop size and position under display. Now click on the size tab and make sure "enable desktop resizing" is disabled. Let me know if this fixes your issue.