Help a noob with wanting to learn how to program?

Recently I made a post about attempting to make a Tek Syndicate iPhone App (If your going to hate on iPhone don't do it here..). Anyway I have done some research and looked at other posts. I have decided my goal is application based programming. I want to make applications for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. I also was thinking about some minor web design such as making a personel website just for like a blog or anything else, but I have decided to learn application based programming first as (from what I have read) becuase C will help learning other languages such as Python and HTML. Any help would be much appreciated!

HTML is most probablly the easiest language to learn, this will naturally lead you onto CSS and PHP. With PHP leading you into SQL.

PHP shares the same sort of tags (losely similar) as C/C++

Python is good one to start at and you maybe interested in Java. As java is used on many many devices and requires little/no editing between platforms.

You don't have to learn PHP/SQL if you're not going to use servers. (Tho its just good to know them)

HTM5/CSS3 (current standards) are quite easy to learn:

As far as IPhone apps, you'll want to start learning XCode. 

for application development monodevelop can cross compile for windows(although visual studio should be used for the windows version) mac and linux, later on you can spend cash and get their mono touch platform and do the same for ios android and wp8. java is another good option but with out the ability to natively compile for desktop operating systems and the lack of a good UI designer makes it hard to write fully featured apps; but if you wanted to have natively compiled apps per platform you would need a .net language for windows (C#,, Xcode for ios and mac , and java for android. its worth noteing that Xcode is C with small talk and C can be run on windows as well, makeing Xcode and visual C++ so similer you can copy and paste a good amount of code with only haveing to make minor changes the only true difference being are the liberarys for each platform. many opertating systems are starting to suport javascript(or variant of) with HTML5 as a designer for native apps, allowing the use of web skills to make deskop apps currently those platforms are linux and windows not sure about mac and I dont do web search for other people so you can figure that out, then though that feature that allows users to pin mobile websites to their home screen you cover all platforms once again but that would be limited to the scope of what a web browser can do(only for mobile apps). umbuntu phone also has a javascript compiler so thats the only one that natively compiles it.


-if any of this was confuseing or you want more info on a particular subject (like tutorials to follow and rescources n stuff) you can email me at [email protected] 

If I learn web based programming languages can I use it to *cough*hack*cough*? It will only be for "educational purposes". If this is true which ones are ideal. Sorry if I am posting in the wrong section.


You can use it for 'hacking...' erm the more aproptiate term would be exploiting. However, most websites have the exploits already ironed out. You would be hard pressed to find one that has an obvious exploit like a MySQL, PHP, or XSS code exploitation. I don't recommend doing it to anyone else other than your own website. Also you can't do serious 'hacking' with web code. Like you couldn't break into youtube and edit it.


Also, stay on the constructive side of programming. Its much more rewarding. Good Luck, I recommend you learn web languages in this order:









That is in my opinion the most logical way of learning the langauges.

Why HTML 4 then HTML 5, why not just HTML 5?

HTML5 is like an extension of HTML4. However, to use HTML5 you must also know Javascript. Without learning Javascript HTML5 would be a monstorous challenge to tackle. The code from HTML4 to HTML5 is very different.

Hi, i am also in the stage of learning programming, but i am more into game programming and im learning to program in Java, which i find is a great language which allows you to use great programmes such as eclipse which help you to program. If you are interested in Java i would recommend checking out "Thenewboston" channel on youtube, he makes some great tutorials and thats where i started out.

Hope this helped

Thanks, ive seen his channel but I didn't know he had programming tutorials.

Yeah they are quite good, he has beginner, advanced and even game prgramming tutorials i believe, he may also have tutorials on other programming languages.

Since you want to code cross platform I would recommend Python. It is extremely scalable, a lot of people just use it for automation but then it is also used for large applications. EVE is a great example, a large portion of that game uses Python. With Librarys/Frameworks you can easily code applications for Windows/Linux/OSX and iOS/Android using something like Kivy. If you want to do web development Python is also good for that, Reddit uses Pyramid which is a Python web framework, The Verge is build upon Python and sites Tested and Giantbomb are based off of Django. Python pretty much covers every basis.

Python is not THE best programming language ( because language choice is based off of requirements/situation ) but you can do a hell of a lot with it! :D