Hello to the forums

On the TS forums I was known as @MrFlyte . However, with the switch I seem to be unable to access my old account. Resetting the password is sending the email...presumably to one of the emails I don't use (nor have access to) anymore.
No big deal to me. I wanted to change my name, since I no longer use the MrFlyte alias as much any more. So, I guess with a new account I should do a new introduction:

Hi, I'm Nolan
I have a Youtube channel where I make inflammatory anime reviews because nothing is more satisfying that pissing off a handful of weebs.
I write and produce music as well and have contributed it to the various creative challenge threads on an old forum that got shut down recently called "Tek Syndicate" - maybe you've heard of it.
And also...I guess I write too. But it seems like everyone is writing a book these days. So, who cares?

I live in China, though I am an American citizen. I have lived in China for almost a full year. China is a terrible place. But now that it's Merry Trumpus in America...I guess China isn't the worst place. that's not true

...at some point I'll fix my avatar...just using this China DSL is the most tedious experience. Thus, you'll find I am more of a lurker than a poster...not because I want to be, but because I have to weigh the value of my post "Is it really worth the 60 seconds it will take for the post to actually go up?" - often, no.

@wendell if you care to look into my old account. Or not. Like I said; I don't care. I like having a new forum alias but if you are going to look into it, you could do me the favor of changing my avatar and save me the tedium of waiting on my shitty china internet to upload the picture again

I should mention per my old account, I have actually waited a couple days for the email to arrive. But I was part of the TS forums for a long time, so I think when I signed up was back when I used my Yahoo email - which I don't use anymore.
Unfortuantely, my Yahoo email won't let me sign in because it's been so long it asks me to confirm my sign in on my back up email account...which was another Yahoo account that hadn't been accessed even longer. So my back up asks me to confirm my loggin with my back up email account, which was ANOTHER Yahoo account that was EVEN older...and that Super old account's back up was the newest account i had created, thus, a never ending cycle of "Please confirm sign in" between all the accounts has now effectively locked me out of my account.

Hello again!

I can update the email of the account to this accounts email if you want, if you can whisper me the correct email address. network checks out.

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At the risk of sounding like an idiot...uh...I cannot find how to PM you.
Perhaps this is related to the account being new? Or am I just being stupid and missing a giant button that says "Message"?

This is because your new account is starting at trustlevel 0.
Thats why you cannot message @wendell directly from his profile.
I upped your account to TL1 tempory so you now should be able to message wendell.
Let me know wenn the things are fixed.

Welcome back.

Grtz Angel.