Heatsinks falling off... need thermal adhesive/tape

no clue what stuff to buy for the little heatsinks on my graphics card, the stuff it came with is such complete crap i had to use thermal pads instead and yeah... it's not going well. suggestions please?

I have heard that for little heatsinks that just using some regular thermal paste is enough to hold it in place. Have you looked into/tried that? Thermal pads would definitely work to hold the heatsink to the board, but obviously they aren't the best choice for heat movement.

I guess i could try thermal paste i have a metric s***waffle of it that came with different water cooling parts.

Arctic Silver Alumina Thermal Adhesive is a TIM that will permanently attached any small heatsink to what you want it to.

If you don't want it permanently attached, mix it with two parts thermal adhesive, one part original Arctic Silver Alumina, and it should work well, stick, and be detachable.

If you still have some of the thermal pad material, did you press down the heatsink for six seconds, when attaching them to the mosfets?

nothing i do get it to stick. will my card be alright to run without heatsings on the mofsets? its at stock clocks.

Usually, these days, companies are smart enough to include fail safes to help a consumer protect their components against use and abuse - usually this protection takes form as throttling.

So, if you have MSI Kombustor and/or MSI Afterburner, you can monitor your clock rates as you put your GPU under stress. If the GPU starts to throttle its clockrates, then you'll definitely have to address the issue as soon as possible. If you do not experience throttling, you should be fine. (What card do you have?)

Just remember that, for every 10C of temperature difference that a transistor runs, you are either doubling or halving its life.