Headset or headphones?

So I find myself needing a pair of headphones or a headset for gaming.

I've been reading through the forum and found that the bulk of public opinion is for studio headphones over gaming headsets and a stand alone microphone. So I'd like some suggestions.

Here are the limitations:

  • Budget is around $200
  • These are primarily for gaming. I'm not super concerned with audiophile-level gear (ironic given my name and that I used to be a live sound tech, but I'm not trying to mix 47 channels, I'm just playing a game and maybe listening to an MP3)
  • Keep in mind that in that $200-ish budget, it must arrive in Australia. So either I can get it locally or the shipping isn't going to cripple me. (If you are super lovely and helpful, postcode 3000 is a good reference point for shipping costs)
  • Also within that budget, I need a pair of headphones and a microphone (the mic is just for skype, doesn't have to be amazing)
  • I don't have a discrete sound card (although that may come later) these will be driven by rog maximus vi gene onboard audio.

Thanks for the help party people!

You could get an Astro A30 or A40, I think.

W/o the amp (don't really need it on PC), they run $100/$150 USD, which should be within your price range converted. NO clue on shipping though.


Actually, I found this here http://www.gamestate.co/au/astro-a40-headset-black

Still don't know about shipping, but that's what I have and I'm just trying to help.

You should go with a headset.

Since it's mainly for gaming and your budget is $200, I recommend a CM Storm Sirus 5.1 headset. You don't need a sound card and it's very nice. (you will need 2 USB slots for it though)


The microphone isn't the greatest though. (sounds like you're on a radio or walkie talkie but it's clear and it works)

I would always get a good pair of headphones and a modmic over a headset.

I have these http://www.amazon.com/Beyerdynamic-770-PRO-80-ohms/dp/B0016MNAAI/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1374088077&sr=1-3&keywords=dt770 and use an external mic

but I would reccomend this setup:



or these


headphone+mic is always better imo

Use the mic in the webcam, this is a good setup from an austrailian store, I bet there are better setups for less, but this is pretty good, and gives you a good webcam. I have used webcam mics before, and they are usually great for skype and chat in games.

I think shipping is free in au for that site and it seems well liked

modmic looks interesting, I hadn't heard of that before - just looked it up. I should clarify a little further.

I have a webcam/mic combo for skype calls. The headset/headphone idea is for talking to people while I play. 

I second this, I like to switch between headphones a lot.  So having a seperate mic comes in handy.

I have a pair of DT770 pros, I love them for gaming and music.  I just bought a new pair of DT880s (600 ohm) as well.