
anybody have an opinion on headphones or suggestion for music

i was looking at the sennheiser HD 280s but im not sure

don't really wanna spend over 100

i was also looking at the Sony MDR-V700DJ

sennheiser HD 280

Good pair of headphones...

Also isn't just about your headphones.. its the quality of your songs... something to think about

yea except the only problem is i can't tell the difference on good headphones or speakers between wav and mp3

mickeydeath said:

yea except the only problem is i can't tell the difference on good headphones or speakers between wav and mp3

It's also about source...you must be playing the audio file on a high quality DAC or soundcard.

If only you could up your budget to $120...that would open up some very good entry level audiophile cans.

Also...what type of music do you listen to and what is the percentage of music listening as opposed to gaming you will be doing? Are you planning on using the headphones with a portable MP3 player as well...or just at the computer?

well i could spend more i would mostly be using my computer and my zune some i listen to metal i will mostly likely rarely use them for gaming. and i was playing it from a ux8 so i'd say it was high quality

mickeydeath said:

well i could spend more i would mostly be using my computer and my zune some i listen to metal i will mostly likely rarely use them for gaming. and i was playing it from a ux8 so i'd say it was high quality

Audio Technica M50

Audio Technica ATH-A700 (ATH-AD700 is the open variant...has less bass but better imaging).

Sennheiser HD 555

Sennheiser HD 518

Sony MDR v6

Grado sr 80i (The classic rock headphone...hella uncomfotable and I never did like the sound signature)

If your fine with open ear, (sound leakage) You won't be able to beat a Grado SR-60 as a introductory high end headphone

for music I would personally recommend the Sony MDR-XD100 headphones or the Sony MDR-G45 Headphones. Both sets are very good with good sound

I quite like my HD555s...though they're probably much better suited for gaming and movies; good at picking up ambient sounds and people sneaking up behind you. Might suit your needs though if you don't like overwhelming bass when listening to music. Not sure what the technical term would be but they deliver a very nice openness to the music I listen to...might not be so great for metal but I wouldn't know since I don't really listen to metal. They're pretty comfortable too. Sometimes I get up from my chair and forget that I'm wearing them...needless to say, they've survived 3 years of abuse. They do leak a lot of sound though.

Visit some stores and try out a couple. Your personal experience would probably be more informative than anyone's suggestions. I recommended some HD555s to a friend and he ended up returning them. I probably should have told him that theres a wear in period before they start to deliver great sound.

Seconding Akimbo here, you'll want to get a good power-source for the audio as well as making sure your songs are a decent bitrate.

Headphones are only a single part of the equation.

I can recommend the Sony MDR V6's since I haven't ever heard anything negative about them...

Food for thought.

grab a cheap pair of koss portapros. its somewhat bassy but for what you get at that price range, its exceptional value

thanks for all the advice guys

i think i might go to a store and try some

but me being my impulsive self bought homefront so i'll have to wait a little bit before i buy one


akg k-240 imo, has just about everything. removable cord, fantastic bass response and clear mids and highs, good for making music but an enjoyable soundstage for gaming and general listening as well. other than that I'd say senn HD555, and if possible ath-m50s used or refurb'd for less than 100.

Dat flac