Headphones vs Speakers?

I'm debating if I want to get speakers or headphones for my new pc build and I want your opinion, which do you think is better and why?

what level quality speakers vs what level quality phones? Studio headphones ($100+) vs. Studio refrence monitors? or Koss vs Altec lansings (sub $40)


Depends. Generally, if I can turn up the volume, I prefer speakers any day of the week. Less fatiguing, and I like the feeling of the sound and bass all around you. The problem though is that not many people live in a place where they can crank up the music like that, whether it is because of roommates or neighbors. 

So with that said, I sold my speakers, and now exclusively use headphones; oh and a Jambox I plug in if I am sharing a video or something. You get to hear everything you would with speakers, with the only 2 real drawbacks being possible fatigue, and not being able to really feel the bass like you would with speakers. Even the fatigue part can be mostly fixed based on which headphone you pick. The best part though is that you can turn up the volume to your enjoyment, and not bother anyone else. Even open-air headphones at loud volumes are still quiet enough to be shut out by closing the door.

I currently have M-Audio AV-40 desktop speakers, they are excellent...have great mids and ok bass (but not super boomy).  Only $120 on amazon... 

But, I have to say, ever since I've gotten into headphones, I'm listening to them 90% of the time.  First pair I bought was Sennheiser HD 518 (about $100)  but now I've upgraded to the HD 598, ($180).  I'll admit, I love Sennheisers.  I don't have as much experience with other headphones, but, you get a good bang-for-the-buck with the HD-518s.  

I agree with WolfStrong, that speakers are the best way (with subwoofers etc) to feel the sound around you, and feel the bass in your chest.   Also he's correct about the sound of open headphones not being THAT distracting to others.

It's surprising how good some headphones can sound!  I'm not sure where you live, but sometimes there are audio-conventions where you can try out different types of headphones, there's one coming up in Southern CA on March 22.   I looked at the website www.headphone.com  when initially shopping for headphones.  

My reply is probably too wordy, but, factors to think about are:   1. Are you going to be listening to sound alone mainly? Or watching say, Netflix, with friends?  2.  Are you in an environment where you can have loud sound and not disturb anyone else?  If so, then speakers are fine.   For myself, I'm in an apt, and watch Netflix late at night, so headphones are my best option.  

Generally speaking looking at price, Quality headphones that are best for the money are probably about $150-$250

I don't know about active speaker systems much at all, because I've only ever really worked with quality passive speakers, but with passives it's a pricey area to get into, I'm looking into just a simple 2.1 setup with 5.1 expansion options and for the Left, Right, Sub, and Reciever with pre-amp i'm looking at about $2000 (there probably is cheaper solutions when dealing with an active speaker setup because of the lack of necessity of pre-amp) 

Wait, where in SoCal on march 22?! I live in SoCal, and TOTALLY would want to go to that! Website for that?

Official 2014 So-Cal Head-Fi Meet

Saturday, March 22, 2014

9am to 5pm

Westin South Coast Plaza

686 Anton Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Yeah, you should totally check it out...a geeked out get-together, focused exclusively on headphones!  People from all over bring their gear, and you can try out their headphones for free, well, minus parking and admission fee.  Admission is $15 through paypal through the 14th, then $20 at the door, $10 parking, here's the link:


And, you can buy used headphones discounted, ...there's a forum where people sell and trade them at head-fi.org.   I got a pair of Sennheiser HD 650s for $280

It depends what your situation is, as in is there normally a good amount of time people are in the same room minding their business, as you might want to go for headphones, obviously for the isolation. I myself use speakers (Logitech Z506) during the day and I'm getting a pair of Corsair 1400's for the night as my room is next to my parents (I'm 14 so no hating please) so yeah.

I am personally able to use 500w reference monitors and 15" Yamahas, I personally think Active reference monitors are the best route as they are clear, even at low volume. but raised to"feel"the bass. also can be used for parties and background music