so i am looking too get a a new headset/headphones and i was told that anything above 200$ for a headset isnt worth it as you might as well get a good pair of headphones and then a mic and i did some research and i realised that it was such a better investment so i was recommended these
beyerdynamic DT-880 pro headphones 250 ohm +amp
beyerdynamic DT-770 pro + an amp
sennheiser-PC 363D
sennheiser PC 350 SE
sennheiser game one+zero
and also stumble across the senneheiser headsets but not sure what is better in this whole bunch and im not too good when it comes too audio info etc so im wondering if anyone had any sugestions or if any of those are amazing
Which is more important to you, listening to music or gaming? If it's music, what type of music will you be listening to and more importantly what kind of sound do you want to hear, do you want a flat response from your headphone or would you prefer a more V shaped sound (more bass, more treble but perhaps less mid range)?
The reason I ask this is because some headphones may better accommodate a certain type of music or preferred sound in your music and others may be more suited to positional audio and gaming, for example, the DT770 and the DT880 are the same driver (the speaker inside the cans) but the enclosures are different and as a result the sound is changed, we need to figure out what kind of sound you are looking for in order to make recommendations.
I will also point out that a headset IS a headphone, it just most likely includes a (shoddy) microphone, although some headsets incorporate a decent headphone you are most likely going to find a better and more personally tailored setup by buying a headphone and a microphone seperately.
The Antlion Modmic is certainly something to look at if you want a mic that can be attached to your headphone, or if you want a desktop USB mic that is also an option and there are a few that can be suggested such as the Blue Snowball, or the Blue Yeti or the Audio Technica AT2020USB (as used by Logan in The Tek)
When you reply, please also include a target USD budget for both items that you would not like to go over and we'll see what we can come up with.
i will mainly only be using this for gaming,positional audio and the headphones+modmic is exactly what i am going for my budget is around 250$ for the headphones and 100$ for the amp and i have a question,would a amp make a huge difference and if so do you have any suggestions ?
To be honest, for gaming with an emphasis on positional audio the Sennheiser HD518 are a really great choice, I've tried them myself, the positional audio is their strong point and they will not require an amplifier from most modern motherboards with the likes of Realtek ALC892 or 1150 onboard. HD518+Modmic is a viable and popular combination and the headphone is extremely comfortable with velour earcups that fit over your entire ear, and because they are open you won't sweat in them. Soundstage is wide and overrall sound is great for the money.
The combo is good value and offers great results, I recommend that route for gaming.
If you want to move further toward wide soundstage and positioning and are willing to do so at the loss of even more bass (open headphones generally have less to begin with, it's a trade off with the increased soundstage) then the Audio Technica AD700, AD700X, AD900x are worth a look too. Very good headphones and extremely comfortable.
If you do opt for the Beyerdynamics which are also a good choice, I'd recommend an amplifier, if your onboard audio output is clean enough for you (no hissing/noise etc) then you could plug the Mayflower O2 amp into it which is pretty much the cream of desktop headphone amplifiers for the price and even overrall.
(I have only personally tried the Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO from their range, it is very V shaped in terms of sound, with bags of bass and treble to the point where I found the treble to be too harsh, mid range was a bit repressed. It is in ties for the most comfortable headphone I've ever worn and a lot of people love them for their V shaped sound and smooth/clean bass)
If there is a store nearby where you can try headphones, could be worth going down there.