Headphones Broke/ Looking for new Headphones

Headphones broke, need recomendations please. $50-$100.

If you haven't seen these already:

There are more on the channel as well.

I have been quite happy with those Superlux headphones, although they could have some more bass, but I have some kickass speakers for that :)

Just something to consider if you're a bass head

what do you think of hd 518 vs the superlux in the video above?

I actually watched that video when I was looking for a pair of headphones. I can't really speak to the 518's as I have never tried them. They are both open headsets so I'm GUESSING they'll sound similar. But for my purposes the Superlux work well. I'm not making music or anything like that, just listening to some music, videos, gaming (no sound whoring lol)

And they're cheap

Someone with a pair of 518's will have to chime in

If you want a gaming headset that isn't made from a used coke can, the Hyperx Clouds are really good sounding and they have a convenient microphone built in.

Tell us what you want exactly. Do you have a decent set up? Dac, amp? Are you using them at your desktop only or from your phone? What do you listen to? How much of music, gaming, and movies do you listen to (percentage of each)? What kind of games do you play (competitive fps? more casual games? RPG type emersion stuff?)? What music do you listen to? Rap? Metal? EDM? Classical? What kind of sound signature do you want? Bassy?

you can get them cheaper with the oem takstar branding, then grab a clipon mic.

open back version - takstar 2050
closed back - Takstar pro 80

I found the headphones I like thanks