Hi everybody (dr. nicks voice)
I'm looking for a pair of headphones for gaming on my new rig and maybe a dac+amp solution if needed.
My budget is $600 USD( $300 each)
I prefer open back over headphones and they will only be used for gaming (mostly FPS)
Can anyone could recommend a good pair of headphones for video and audio editing.
I'm looking at these 2 currently:
It would be great if the could easily adapted to be used with the ps4 and xbox one as i game on all platforms.
I would suggest that you do some reading at the link below to see what you think. My first reaction is something like the Q701 or DT880 with a mix amp and a separate amp like an O2 or a magni.
Though if you want the best that you can get, I would suggest something like the Audio-gd NFB-15 or NFB-11. Audio-gd is know for amazing sound quality. You can't get a better amp in that price range, though the features of the mix amp might sway you away from it.
thanks for the great suggestion
i love the look of the akg headphones but i don't like on ear but i may just have to live with that if i decide to get them.
any better mic suggestion though?
Whaaa!! My laptop cost around that!! I'd go with the AKG.
I would go with the Audio Technica ATH-AD900X and the Mayflower O2/ODAC with the Antlion ModMic 4.0. You should get a Turtle Beach DSS off Ebay if you live in the U.S., this will let you hear the sound from your consoles and PC at the same time. When it comes to consoles the PS4 is really easy in terms of microphone compatibility but the XBONE needs a specific cable connector. Many of these parts come highly recommended from Logan.
The AKG Q701 are definitely not on ear. They are full sized, around ear, circumaural. So that should settle that.
As far as a mic goes, I am partial to desktop mics because it is easy to use them with whatever headphones you are using at the time. You could use something like a clip on mic (Zalman, etc) or the AntLion mod mic which gets a lot of attention. Personally, I don't really like having two cables come from my headphones like that, but you might not find it to be a hassle like I do.