HDMI vs other Connections?

I see more and more Asus monitors (they're my favorite brand) starting to move away from DVI. If I wasn't wrong, DVI was great and far better than say HDMI, VGA, etc. in displaying better picture at faster refresh rates. Most HDMI monitors I don't see go above 1080p and 60Hz. Both of which sadens me to say the least. Is there something I'm missing? Can HDMI broadcast over 60Hz? I'm really confused... I really love these 3 monitors, but all primarily use HDMI.




I dont know if this is a big thing to ask about but hopefuly someone can clarify. Go or Pass on HDMI primary monitors?

Another problem with HDMI is BIOS. In 99% of cases, HDMI doesn't show the BIOS, just a black screen. Then you have to fish out a VGA cable every time you want to enter the BIOS

I just dont understand!

I think a lot of it is that lately, most people use HDMI cables for their TVs, game systems, blue ray players, cable boxes, etc, and these things come pre packaged with them. People like it because it's a video/audio all in one cable which supports HD. It's becoming the standard in connections for entertainment.

True, but what advantanges does it have? As far as I know, its capped at 60Hz 1080p.