I am the general purpose video guy at my local church, My bread and butter is video production/editing (things like weekly news and whatnot) however we've recently started doing video broadcasting of live video from cameras around the stage during worship, to do this we use my canon 5Dmk3 and 60D, and 2 GoPro's. we use a Roland v-40HD for our video mixer because it's the best product for this at the budget I was given. The downside to it is that we only have 4 inputs, one being taken up by the PC that runs the lyrics(on a background we chromakey out), notices, and videos, That leaves 3 inputs for 4 cameras. We get around this by using a cheap 3 in one out switch, the kind you'd use to add ports to a TV, but this is passive, meaning that my cameras aren't handshaking until I select the specific input that they are on. This causes lag while the camera registers there's and input, sometimes they don't handshake at all so I have to click the next input and then go back to try again. It's super frustrating. I have been looking for a while but I can't find a cheap switch that will constantly keep all the ports active so it doesn't have to handshake over and over. Am I being dumb and using the wrong keywords in my search? or does such a product not exist?
Any help would be appreciated.