HDD Stress Testing?

Heyho there,
so in a few videos Wendell said he stress tests his new HDD when he gets them.
This of course appears to be a pretty good idea I was wondering, is it really 100% necessary for regular use (desktop PC in my case, I would guess it's mandatory for a NAS Setup).
Also which software are you using for this? Or did you develop your own method?
Thanks in advance :)

I would say no. In a non high fidelity scenario, stress testing a drive is unnecessary and is only lowering its lifespan. You could do a few sweep tests to assure its working correctly, but if you're really worried about possible data loss, that's what raid is for.

Thanks for the reply, I just went with SeaTools for now and it didn't find any errors in the long test, so I'm somewhat confident that the drive is fine :D

that's what raid is for

No.  Raid is for uptime.  Backups are for data loss prevention.  They are not the same thing.



SeaTools doesnt stress test the drive. A good stress tester is the Phrononix Test Suite. They have Windows versions and they have a live ISO you boot from so you can test all your hard drives. The tests on my system took 1 day and 12 hours but were VERY comprehensive and thorough.