Hdd raid

hey everyone


ive recevently bought 2x  3tb hardddisk for my gaming computer and ive been thinking to use RAID 0 however i cant seem to find any good guide to do it.

anyone can point me to the right direction or explain to me how to do it?

thank you in advance:)

arnt u nice. but its my computer and i decide if something should happen or not. im only asking for some help in how to do it.

Is that computer running Windows? In case it is (using BIOS RAID 1) 2x 3TB= 2TB, iow your HDD just became 3 times as expensive, and (using BIOS RAID 0) 2x 3TB= 4 TB, iow 33 % overhead. So depending on what you want to achieve, I would go for a software solution, like an automatic backup solution or a software "ghosting", whereby you can split each drive in two 1.5 TB volumes. The BIOS RAID won't be able to use more than 2 TB per HDD with Windows.

If you're not running Windows on bare metal, but rather in a VM or not at all, you'll have 3 TB available in RAID 1 and 6 TB in RAID 0. If you're Windows liberated, you can also set up a RAID 10 array with as little as 2 HDD's, whereas you'll need 4 of those if you use Windows as main OS, whereby as always, Windows can only use up to 2 TB per HDD.

What do you need the RAID for, performance or redundancy?

im not worried about losing what is stored on because its ONLY for games. i can Always reinstall the games since i own the copies. (as stated in my first post ^_^ )

ive read also the windows way which is kinda similiar to the BIOS from what i can see.

you guys are very helpfull and im greatly greatfull for that. thank you