HDD enclosure for laptop HDD

Hello all. I just took out a old 160 GB HDD from a old laptop and want to get a enclosure to use as a external drive, could someone link me to a good cheap enclosure that will fit a laptop HDD, on amazon preferably.

cheapest one on amazon, i have one, haven't had any issues, the secondary usb is quite short, but you don't really need it

i've tried using it with 3.5" and cd drive and it hasn't worked, don't know if it's the controller or purely a lack of power even with a power supply on one usb

edit: forgot link http://www.amazon.com/Vantec-NexStar-2-5-Inch-External-Enclosure/dp/B002JQNXZC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395710384&sr=8-1&keywords=hdd+enclosure+2.5

Would their be any noticeable speed difference getting a USB 3.0 compared to that USB 2.0?

probably, i don't have a usb 3 enclosure so i can't say

After a little research it seems so, enough so to justify getting a USB 3 one over the USB 2.0

Did somebody say Vantec NexStar?

It seems this is that same enclosure just USB 3.0: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817392057

I might pick that up unless there are any better suggestions since I forgot i have a 15$ rebate card from my case.

A pretty big one. 

I have a WD My Passport Ultra drive. Using USB 3.0 I can get around 118 MB/sec. USB 2.0 can manage around 30 MB/sec. 


Hmm seems pretty good. Though the USB 3.0 is a must.

Well the enclosure came today. But my HDD dosent fit with the connector...

wait... how old are we talking, do you have an ide hard drive

i figured it out. I was trying to plug the connector into the proprietary HP HDD plug.