Hey! I recently made my first build and I´ve been having a little problem. I installed my OS ( windows 7 ) on the SSD but I wanted to have my programs installed on my HDD, but some programs are automaticaly installed on the SSD. Is it possible to change the drive hierarchy where the programs primarily installed ?
http://thessdreview.com/ssd-guides/optimization-guides/the-ssd-optimization-guide-ultimate-windows-8-edition/ follow this guide it will tell you how and help you optimize your ssd
If you are talking about a client program like steam that installs all games to its directory automatically, then you might need to reinstall steam or other client program to the HDD, then re-download teh games/programs. But after that,, you should be good.
http://www.overclock.net/t/1222388/guide-moving-reinstalling-origin-and-games-without-re-downloading And one thats helps with origin games
Cool! that should help ;) thank you guys!