HD7770 Overclock


I'v got a VTX HD7770 and i want to overclock it, iv found the menu that i need to use to OC it but i dont know what im doing!



Slide the number slider higher until it crashes while you game for a few hours. Try 1050 core clock, 1200 mem clock.

Is VTX a damn real company? Where do people get these cards from companies I've never seen or heard of?


Thats the card he is talking about

Use the utility and do what PIP said. Then when you get your max times out of the card, set it in the BIOS to make it stick. ATI's GPU overclock is a POS and hardly ever works right.

I managed to get 1100 core clock and 1250 mem clock, thanks pip and tungus

and this is the card, http://content.hwigroup.net/images/products/xl/144670/vtx3d_radeon_hd_7770_1gb.jpg




That's about the top of what 7770's will hit, I had a gigabyte card that I had exactly at that as well.

I just overclocked my freinds 7770 and his went to 1145 core and 1200 mem and my other freind has his at 1130 core and 1150 mem.

you could also adjust the voltage and go past 1200 if you card capable

XFX R7770 GHOST OC .ED here does 1200mhz on the core and 1550mhz on the memory, i did a BF3 run in the video below, but was not to show off the OC, it was intended as information for a different person.





This was benched on my 2500K rig.