HD600 cables

I’m looking for some HD600 cables, braided or sleeved.

I don’t care about audiophile voodoo about how cable x removes quatum vibrations or someshit, I just want new cables because the default ones are gross (thin, feels harsh to the touch) and just want something relatively cheap to make them feel nicer.

I am sure there are replacements available, but there are also things like Pexon sleveing and Lutro Customs. Pexon is a UK sleever out of the mech keyboard scene but does headphone cables and custom order in ranges of colours and styles.

You can email and ask about options. http://pexonpcs.co.uk/

they seem to have reasonable prices!

the cables I saw where $100 at least for it, because of the snake oil


No problem. You can probably find a similar person or thing in your area. Cable sleveing is what you are looking for anyway, or custom/replacement headphone cables.

more on the side of custom cable, since the default ones are flat and kinda shitty and sleeving/braiding wont fix that.

But I also don't want to spend a crazy amount of money because the maker claims they do some sort of audio voodoo.

I have a pair of cardas cables for them.

I sold my HD600s a while ago, but my friend ended up wanting to make his own cables.

I will sell them for 100 USD.

The difference is that the cardas cable is actually not snake oil for 1 very important reason.

The little 2 prong connectors for the HD6XX headphones do eventually strip out and start to break over time.

Cardas actually made their own connectors which greatly imporves durability.

post some pictures, I might listen. but I'm in canada so 100US is a bit steep. if you're willing to throw in free shipping (and ofc lable them as <20$ on packaging) I could be interested.

Sorry, but no thanks.

Every time I send something up that way, canadian customs ends up holding the package because they think the declared value is wrong.

Its really annoying because the people I am speaking to are so nice and pleasant. But I really want to tell them to just go fuck their hat and quit pestering people.

understandable. I agree our customs is too flaky.

I have gotten $200 shit through, then get hit with every fee they can on $40 items.

Think I found some promising items on amazon.

thanks anyway!

these look like what I'm looking for

anyone have experience with these? / would there be risk of damaging my cans if they're of lower quality


Like I said, the little connectors at the end are really what will make or break the cable.

Sennheiser does sell the HD650 cable for like 50 bucks and it is a much better cable than the HD600 one. Try finding that.

Found it for $34 guess I should go with it? also since you mention ends allot, which brands of cables have good ends?

Well the stock cable is going to have good ends.

Everything else that has good ends are either DIY cables, or cables that cost 100 bucks +

I mean the cardas cable is usually what people end up going with in the long run because it works, and that cable is 230 bucks USD.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Any time a company has gone through the hassle of designing a better connector, you can bet that it is going to cost an arm and a leg.

ahh ok makes sense.

my experience with audiophile cables has been snake oil, thanks for clearing this case up. I think I'll ge tthe 650 cables maybe braid them my self or something.

just ordered with plexton, they're doing a custom black and blue cable for me.

came to about $100 USD with shipping (133cad)

very friendly customer service and they're using the Cardas ends. I'll update this thread once I get them and do mini review

Nice one. Glad it worked out, I do look forward to seeing those.

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You will be very happy with that cable.

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so I got the cable from plexon.

great quality and man where they friendly.

slightly issue, the left terminations seems to be loose and I wont get sound unless I push it inwards D: gonna see about retruning it to be fixed or fixing it my self.

also picture for those interested

all in all they where pretty awesome and the cable (asside from issue) seems pretty nice so I think I would recommend them

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